Summers end at Mannum

Authors own image: Whistling Kites on the River Murray South Australia 2021

The wide river flows, green surface rippled

by slow-cleaving prow.

White splashes on blue-black tails catch the eye.

Bewitching, exuberant Welcome Swallows dip,

skim and bank, chasing each other, catching

small prey on the wing.

Following our meandering journey, they circle

like tiny, feathered dolphin, sleek breasts

and brows glowing flashes of orange.

Briefly they alight in small clouds on the deck,

entrancing all who watch.

We write of what we see, to remember.

Far overhead whistling kites languidly bank, issue

faint piercing cries, await their turn to

come close, compete with black kites,

claws skimming the surface, elegantly

scooping bounty provided.

We spontaneously applaud their skill and beauty.

Along the banks, tall reeds sway,

green fronds reaching high above

biscuit-dry stalks, marking summer’s end.

Originally published at on June 7, 2021.



Mandy Toczek McPeake

Originally from the UK I live in Australia. Poetry, short fiction, non/fiction articles are how I express myself.